Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finding and citing your sources

Right now at this point in the process you should have a defined hypothesis and have determination as to the focus for the paper. We've also done some exercises to get you prewriting and setting up the outline you'd like to follow for your paper. Now it's time to do the research that backs up your argument, and properly cite it.

The research you are looking for is entirely dependent on the topic you've chosen and how you are choosing to pursue your point of view. For example, if you were writing your research paper about censorship of books in schools then you would be looking for articles talking about why certain districts have banned certain books. You could also look for interviews with people who initiated the discussion and those who are against the issue being raised.

You are also able to use sources that run contrary to what you believe. Sometimes understanding the opposing point of view can help you to strengthen your own viewpoint. It's up to you how you want to approach gathering the information for your paper.

As discussed you are looking to have 25 cited passages in your paper. That can be done with just 10 sources but in some instances you may have to add some sources to reach the desired goal.

Sources may be (and are not limited to):

- Books
- Magazine Articles
- Internet
- TV Show
- Newspaper

(I know someone will ask so I'll address using Wikipedia as a source. It is OK to use that as a source but I would encourage you to double check the information twice to make sure it is accurate. Wikipedia is a free editing service so someone could post on there whatever they like and pass it off as fact. So the question is this- would you rather just look for one source, or look at a source and then need to check it a few times to make sure it is accurate? One is far less work.)

Sources are to be cited in MLA style for both the body of the paper and the Bibliography. The links on the left-hand side of the page will help direct you to the proper way to use MLA style.

Also, the best way to do this assignment is to buy yourself a pack of index cards and write down the citations and sources as you go. This will be much easier to use in the writing process and will allow you to keep your thoughts organized.


You have 3 weeks to gather your 10 sources and 25 citations together and organize your index cards. If you have questions on the validity of the source you are using, please ask. Remember, the sources are being used to enhance the argument you are putting forward, keep that in mind as you search.

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